Thursday 16 May 2013

3 Simple Tips to Follow Before Domain Registration

Think about it this way, everyone is addressing you by many pronouns and adjectives, eventually some end up confused that whom are they talking about? And suddenly a noun is muttered, your name.... and the clouds of confusion diffuse. Similar is the case with your domain name. Value your domain name registration and treat it like the naming ceremony for your business’s first baby. This should be the very first step to create a perfect identity for your company/business/personal use etc. 

Scientifically, domains are integral elements of magnet but for an internet based business these domains themselves work as magnets, when chosen wisely, attracts customers directly. A creative, influential and relevant domain name can create wonders for your business.

Tips to Follow Before Domain Registration

How To Name?

Listening only to the creative part of your mind does not prove smart enough while selecting a name for your online based business. You need to open your mind and look for all possible words & phrases. Should be short, meaningful, compelling and relevant i.e. should relate to your type of business. If you are a writer then the domain should be in your name, if already exists try your name with some funky variation and BINGO! Generic names brand themselves very easily for instance and These domains explain their own services, it sounds relevant and drives traffic very conveniently. Keeping keywords on your priority list will ease up the process.

But, it does not mean that you can’t think out of the box. Go wild and shake every corner of your brain to get the best and spell binding name for your web. What if someone else has thought about the same name you have.... no worries, always keep some options and then go on a searching spree on some reliable free domain search websites and then finalize your domain name. 

Where To Look For Name?

Recently, I was wandering on internet to find a domain name if it existed in the web world and I came across an awesome service called The question arises is why I found it awesome is  it makes the search process easy and very friendly and totally free. All you need to do is just add in your G-talk account, write down your desired domain and Viola! It will show you if the domain exists. And the best thing is, if your desired domain does not exist, for example, you want to , and it's not available, it will show you another option so that you get your desired name with further more options.

How to Own Name?

Registration is the most common and important term in every possible aspect of any business. You are not a recognized entity until you go through this process, so better be cautious and trust reliable & cost effective web hosting sources only.

Various web hosting sites provide many options and many ways to own a domain name like, shared web hosting, where a single server is capable of hosting more than one site. Dedicated web hosting, its required if your website is big and needs to be safe, reliable and fast, and Re seller web hosting, its an easy way to start an income and to generate sufficient revenue to expand one's business.. Choose what best suits your requirements and go ahead with your business plan.

It is always the best option to register your domain with a two year validity, this shows your seriousness regarding your business plan. DOT-COM is the most popular and most searched among all. Try for it first but don’t feel low if you can’t get it with your desired name selections. There are endless options served on your online platter, and everyone is invited in the virtual world. So go ahead, think something exceptional, search it, get it registered and bask in the glory of recognition.

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