Wednesday 15 May 2013

How To Improve Your Blog Loading Speed

Due to exam reason, I couldn't able to maintain blog at all, I'm back to my blog and got today free. So in this article I'm going to show you how increase your blog loading speed by giving you few amazing tips. The present era is connected with 4G Internet, therefore no chance to become slow, but due to some redundant element in the blog will affect the loading speed.

The main reason of blog to become unimpressed by visitor is because slow loading of the blog. It was announced by Google that a Blog Loading Speed can grow your site/blog rank in search engine. So the loading speed is an important part in ranking. To avoid such problems from your blog. You have to consider some of the following tips.

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Following are some important tips which a blogger have to consider for improving the blog speed.

Less Widget, More Speed

From the heading itself you can understand, that less widget can boost your blog speed, means avoid unwanted widget. Add only the most wanted widget. In widget, there is iframe types of widget which will make some slow loading, because it is HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website, like Facebook like box, Contextual ads etc. Instead of that you can use Facebook like button. Do not use extra comment system.

Reduce The Number of Ads

Don't thing you will earn more revenue by displaying more times ads on the blog. Even Google adsence will ban you due to high number of clicks, this is because of showing ad on every place on the blog. Most of the visitors may become irritated due to pop-up-ads. So reduce the number of ads on the blog to improve blog loading speed.

Reduce The Number of Article showing on Main Page

Most of the blogger are wanted to increase the number of post on the main page (home page). Sure it is one of  the main factor which take more time to load your blog. So better to show post maximum 10. That you can manage from blogger setting page, under Post and Comment section you can see Show at most

By concluding the article you might have understand problems which are making your blog too slow loading and you got an guide to avoid such problems from your blog.
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